In the past I was very active on radio station --- mostly on HF.
My favorite bands were 80 and 40 metters where i worked almost everything i heard. I worked even WAZ Zone 1 and 31 on 80 which are very hard to hear and even harder to work. First stations I worked from this zones were KL7XX and AH6NF at the end of 90's.
On 80 mtrs i worked 240 DXCC and on 40 mtrs 300 DXCC just with dipol 17 mtrs high and about 400 watts output.
I miss 9BDXCC and 9BWAZ because i was not active on 160 mtrs.
In contests i started to work in 1982 from the shack of local radio club station YU5FAD and after that as YT5G and with my home call YZ5AA.
That was in ex Yugoslavia.
When my country Republic of Macedonia got new prifex i started with new call Z32AF and after that I changed to Z39Z.